Audrey Grant's Better Bridge Magazine

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1 year for $35. At this time we are only selling a 1 year subscription. The 2 year subscription is not available at this time.

Take your game to the next level with this bi-monthly magazine. Each issue features in-depth articles on bidding, play, and defense by Audrey Grant, David Lindop, and many top-ranked players and writers. The topics are practical so you can use what you read at the bridge table immediately. Learn and practice the concepts in the play and defense articles with carefully constructed deals. Use the accompanying quiz to the Modern Bidding column to test your knowledge and understanding.

The magazine does not qualify for discounts.

Shipping to overseas addresses is $36 for the year.

For Teachers:
Individual issues are $8 per copy.  50% discount for 12+ copies of the same issue. To promote learning and practice, students must have their own copy of the magazine.*
Your subscription or renewal will start with the next unreleased issue of the magazine.
* Magazine articles may not be copied or distributed without the express written consent of Baron Barclay.*