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Approximate running time: 110 minutes.
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After sorting my cards, one of the first things I do
is look for intermediate cards (eights, nines and tens).
An average holding would be one of each intermediate,
so of course I hope I received more than my share.
Obviously, I look more fondly at tens than the two lesser intermediate cards.
The presence or absence of intermediate cards will always
influence my hand evaluation and bidding.
Not only do I regard K 10 9 8 a lot differently than K 4 3 2,
but I consider the former to be the equivalent of K J 3 2 and call it 4 HCP.
The presence or absence of intermediate cards is also extremely relevant
for both the declarer and the defenders.
If I declare a notrump contract with K 10 9 8 opposite J 6 5,
I'm eager to attack the suit.
50% of the time, I will take 3 tricks, but even if their queen is offsides,
I still will have developed 2 winners.
Whereas, with K 4 3 2 opposite J 6 5, if I need to attack this suit,
the most likely result is that I set up several tricks for the defenders!
In this lesson, Marty will show you how to use your intermediates to:
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